Posts by: Amanda

There are dozens of tools out there to assist you in performing SEO keyword research. Two of my favorites include:

Google AdWords Keyword Tool
This tool is free and you don’t have to be setting up a paid campaign to use it. Helps you identify keyword expressions that people are actually [...]

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This is the first in a series of posts exploring our favorite new expression: Nurture Marketing…  That phrase should evoke many images in your mind — and they’re all worth exploring. This concept helps businesses and organizations refocus their marketing efforts from an “it’s about us” attitude to an “it’s about the [...]

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So, you’ve read our quick overview of the “top three” search engines, who is using them in 2010, and why. Hopefully, you’re using that to inform your effort to optimize your site’s performance for your most important keywords — for the search engine that most likely suits your target audience. Also, don’t forget [...]

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As you decide where to focus your SEO energy or paid search dollars this year, start with what you know about each of the top search engines and who is using them.

Why Yahoo appeals to the 50+ demographic: It’s a true, old-fashioned (in Internet years) “portal” site that is a “gateway” to all sorts [...]

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